Print a pattern between two (exclusive) words
echo "pattern" | sed -e 's/.*WORD1//' -e 's/WORD2.*$//'
$ ./ --url "/ip/"
200 {"organisationId":null,"country":"fr","routedTo":{"serviceName":""},"ip":"","canBeTerminated":true,"type":"failover","description":null}
If we only want the routedTo information:
$ ./ --url "/ip/" | sed -e 's/.*serviceName":"//' -e 's/"},"ip":.*$//'
Delete pattern between two words
sed '/WORD1/,/WORD2/d' input
Replace pattern between two words
sed '/\[ssh-ddos\]/,/filter = sshd-ddos/s/enabled = false/enabled = true/' /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
Extract from specific line to EOF
sed -n '44519778,$p' input.log > output.log
Replace new lines with a comma and a space
sed -z 's/\n/, /'g my_file
Remove all leading blank lines at top of a file
sed '/./,$!d'
Comment out a file from line 25 to end of file
sed '25,$s/^/#/'
To append a text after a specific pattern
sed '/adImpressions=1/a bid_response_http_error_body=0'
Insert line after first matching pattern
sed '/CLIENTSCRIPT="foo"/a CLIENTSCRIPT2="hello"' input
Insert line before matching patterns
sed -i '/\/var\/log\/syslog/i \:msg, contains, \"Successfully sent\" ~' /etc/rsyslog.conf
Will insert:
:msg, contains, "Successfully sent" ~</nowiki>