
From Anthony Pastor Wiki Notes - Verba volant, scripta manent
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How do I find how long ago a Linux system was installed ?

# tune2fs -l /dev/dm-0  | grep 'Filesystem created:'
Filesystem created:       Thu Feb  4 05:46:35 2016

Sort files/directories by size

du -skh * | sort -rn

List opened files for a specific thread

When we have a process with many threads and we're looking for opened files for a specific child we could proceed that way:

  • Get the PiD with ps / top / whatever.
  • Get the TiD (thread id) we are interested in.
  • Execute the following command (replace PiD & TiD with expected values):
ls -l /proc/PiD/task/TiD/fd

Prevent Bash to stop after the 1st command when you paste a bunch of cmds

Add: < "/dev/null" at the end. Ex:

rsync -avz /var/cache/nginx/ < "/dev/null"
rsync -avz /usr/share/something/ < "/dev/null"